************************** GitHub and version control ************************** Why use version control? ======================== Indicia's code is hosted on `GitHub `_. For a quick primer, read this article explaining what GitHub is on `How-to-Geek `_. This website provides a repository containing every code file being worked on. There are several popular version control systems in use for open source projects; Indicia uses one called `Git `_ because it is now the most widely used in the open source community. When using a version control system, rather than edit the files directly on the shared repository, developers make a local copy of all the code files and work on them there. When happy that the change they are implementing is ready, they push the changes back up to the server copy and other developers then merge those changes back into their copies of the code. Git includes tools for viewing the differences between files, resolving any conflicts that may occur and rolling back any changes subsequently deemed to be unwanted. Git also allows you to *tag* versions of the code at a point in time (tags are normally used to store a copy of the released versions of the code) and to *branch* the code giving a parallel set of code to work on. Branches can be useful for several reasons, one of which is to create an environment in which you can safely experiment with the code without affecting the master copy until you are satisfied that the experiment has succeeded. If it fails, just delete the branch! Branches are also used to keep the current stable version of the code separate from the 'bleeding edge' code that developers are currently working on. Without a source control system such as Git, working as a collaborative team would be a quagmire of accidental overwrites of each other's changes, untraceable mistakes and other such nightmares. Key Points ========== * Indicia’s code is hosted on GitHub, under the Indicia-Team organisation, https://github.com/Indicia-Team. * The project is divided into repositories for the warehouse, client libraries, plus Drupal version specific themes and modules. For example the Drupal 7 Indicia forms module repository is at https://github.com/Indicia-Team/drupal-7-module-iform. * Our Git workflow is based on the model proposed at http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model. * All repositories have a history of changes to the code, and the current state of the code exists in several “branches” - at least a master and a develop branch. The master branch should always reflect the stable production ready code. The develop branch contains development changes to the code which may not be production ready. Other branches may exist to meet current development needs. Glossary ======== For a full glossary of Git terms, see https://help.github.com/articles/github-glossary. The list below covers some of the key ones we'll be using for Indicia code management. * Branch - a parallel version of the code in a repository, for example there can be a stable branch, a branch for the bleeding edge development code, plus branches for specific features under development. * Clone - copy a repository to a different location, for example to copy the warehouse code from GitHub to a local development environment. Because Git is a distributed version control system as opposed to a centralised one, each clone is a full copy of the repository and you can commit changes to it, work on it offline etc. Clones remain linked with the repository they were copied from and can be easily synced. * Checkout - to create and/or change the working directory to a different branch of a project. * Commit - an individual change to a file or a set of files which create a new revision of those files. * Fork - to copy a repository to a different GitHub account. The fork can then be worked on independently or a pull request issues later to ask for changes to be merged back in. * Merge - to take the changes from one branch and merge them into another. * Origin - an alias for the URL of the repository on GitHub which contains the accepted master copy of the code. * Pull - fetching changes to a file from the remote version of that file into your local copy and merging them. * Pull request - a proposal that changes submitted to a repository are to be accepted into the repository. In Git, a developer without commit rights can fork a repository and work on their own, then issue a pull request to ask for their changes to be accepted. * Push - to send locally committed changes from a local repository to a remote repository. * Tag - to mark a point in the history of a repository as significant, for example to mark the point at which a release was made. I'm not an Indicia contributor and I want to ... ================================================ ...get the latest stable code from a repository ----------------------------------------------- #. Follow the link for the repository you need the code for from the main `Indicia-Team github page `_. #. Use the **Download ZIP** button on the right of the page. ...get the latest development code from a repository ---------------------------------------------------- #. Follow the link for the repository you need the code for from the main `Indicia-Team github page `_. #. Click on the **Branch: master** drop down button and select **develop** from the menu that appears. #. Use the **Download ZIP** button on the right of the page. ...clone a repository to your local machine ------------------------------------------- Using your command line client, navigate to the folder you want the code copied to. In this case, the modules folder of our Drupal install.:: cd sites/all/modules Clone the repository to your local machine, remembering to specify the folder name you want the repository to clone into. You can get the Clone URL from the repository home page on GitHub (https://github.com/Indicia-Team/drupal-7-module-iform_mobile_auth).:: git clone https://github.com/Indicia-Team/drupal-7-module-iform_mobile_auth.git iform_mobile_auth That’s got you a copy of the code. You’ll be pointing to the default branch (master – the stable code). You can check this by typing:: git branch That’s shown you just the branches you’ve got locally – only one so far. Type the following to check the available remote branches:: git branch –r If you want to switch to the bleeding edge develop version of the code:: git fetch git checkout develop Now, just toggle between master or develop by typing:: git branch master Or:: git branch develop Propose a change to the code ---------------------------- .. todo:: Document how to create a pull request as a non-contributor. I am an Indicia contributor and I want to... ============================================ ...hotfix some live code ------------------------ Sometimes it is necessary to release a change to the live master version of the code in a repository without waiting for the next time the develop code branch is released to live. This is called a hotfix since it bypasses the normal develop branch then release cycle. Here are the steps required: Create a branch called hotfix-* off of the master branch of the relevant repository:: git checkout -b hotfix-myfix master Make your required code changes in this branch, test and commit them. If your repository has a version number file (e.g. `application/config/version.php` then bump the version number and commit it. .. todo:: What happens if the application version and database version are then out of step on the warehouse? Publish/push your hotfix branch to the GitHub repo:: git push origin hotfix-myfix Login to GitHub and find the repository you are working on. Switch to your hotfix branch then click the Pull request button. Make sure that the base is set to master and follow the steps to create the pull request, check the changes then merge it. Repeat the last step to merge the hotfix into the develop branch as well. In GitHub, add a release to tag the new version number against the code. ...develop a new feature ------------------------ New features are developed by creating a branch from the develop branch. The branch name should describe the feature and can be anything that does not clash with one of the other branch naming conventions, i.e. not master, develop, `hotfix-*` or `release-*`. Feature branches can be kept locally or pushed to remote (GitHub), which can be useful especially when several developers are working on the feature. For example:: git checkout -b my-new-feature develop Then implement the feature and commit each atomic change as you proceed. When finished and tested, publish/push the feature branch to the GitHub repo:: git push origin my-new-feature Login to GitHub and find the repository you are working on. Switch to your feature branch then click the Pull request button. Make sure that the base is set to develop and follow the steps to create the pull request, check the changes then merge it. .. todo:: Some information on how to use the command line to resolve conflicts. E.g. using a conflict resolution branch. ...make a release ----------------- When new features have been merged in to the develop branch and it is time to release them to the master branch, first create a new branch, called `release-x.y.z`, where x.y.z is the new version number to be released. Development may continue in the develop branch for future releases. Within the release branch, run tests, fix bugs, update version numbers and update any chnage log. When prepared and ready, raise a Pull request to merge the branch in to master. Also merge the branch in to dev so that it receives the updates too. The release branch can then be deleted. Releasing a new version of the warehouse includes additional steps as the media and client_helper sub-modules must also be released. See the warehouse :ref:`developing/warehouse/release-procedure:release procedure` for more detailed instructions.