Converting the query to a report -------------------------------- Converting this query into a report which is available from within Indicia is fairly simple and can be achieved by pasting the query into the following template, replacing My title, My Description and My query as appropriate: .. code-block:: xml My query Copying in the query and giving it a title and description should give us something like the following. Note that we have removed the semi-colon from the end of the query as well as converted the query into XML compliant text by replacing the ``>`` with the XML safe equivalent ``>``. `More information on the characters you might need to replace in this way `_. .. code-block:: xml select snf.public_entered_sref, cttl.preferred_taxon, cttl.default_common_name, o.date_start, o.date_end, o.date_type from cache_occurrences_functional o join cache_samples_nonfunctional snf on join cache_taxa_taxon_lists cttl on where o.created_on>now()-'1 month'::interval This would be a good time to fire up a text editor and copy this code into the editor. Now, create a folder using your name or initials in the warehouse's **reports** folder then save the report as **tutorial.xml** inside the folder you just created. Log into the warehouse if you are not already logged in then select **Entered Data > Reports** from the menu. Find the folder you created and expand it, then tick the Tutorial report's radio button before clicking the **Load report** button. You will see a basic table of records, showing the columns you included in the report query but with the 3 vague date columns automatically replaced by a single Date column. The grid has links at the bottom for next and previous pages, although they are pretty basic at this point, and supports clicking column titles to sort the records. There is also a fledgling filter box for the date column but this will only start working when we finish setting the report up properly, as at the moment all we have really done is the minimum required to link the report in by pasting the query into the XML template. .. tip:: In the Indicia database, all the database tables and fields are documented within the database itself - just look at the table or column comments using pgAdmin to find out what they are for. Or you can :doc:`read an introduction to the data model <../../data-model>`.