Scheduled Tasks =============== Because an Indicia server can support a large number of client websites, each of which submits data and runs sometimes complex queries for reporting and mapping, it is imperative that we consider performance at every step. One of the ways we can improve performance is to move certain tasks offline, which is appropriate if the task does not need to be run at the exact moment a record is submitted, or if we can pre-empt complex report joins that are going to run repeatedly. Examples include running automated verification checks against incoming records, indexing them against complex site boundaries and triggers against incoming data generating notifications. Instead of running these processes each time data is added, a task is scheduled to run on a periodic basis (e.g. once per hour) which sweeps up all the records since the last time it was ran. This is done by setting up an operating system task on the server which simply accesses the URL ``/index.php/scheduled_tasks`` on your warehouse server. On a Linux Apache server, the best way to do this is using `Cron `_ whereas on Windows you may like to consider using the `Task Scheduler `_. You can also use your web browser to access this url if required, though this is only really appropriate for development and testing purposes as you would need to do this regularly throughout the day. When using cron to run the scheduled tasks link, it is common practice to call PHP directly via the command line, rather than call it by visiting the URL. The command to execute will be in the form: php path/to/file/index.php scheduled_tasks You will need to insert your path to the Kohana index.php file, enclosing it in inverted commas if it contains spaces. The specifics of setting up Cron will differ depending on the operating system. The following illustration shows the required steps, taken from a working Ubuntu installation: First, Find the user that Apache is running as: .. code-block:: console $ ps -ef | egrep '(httpd|apache2|apache)' | grep -v `whoami` | grep -v root | head -n1 The first column in the response is the user, in our case "daemon".Now, open the crontab file for editing, using the same user as apache. Replace "daemon" if your username is different. .. code-block:: console $ sudo crontab -u daemon -e Enter your password then edit the file that appears, adding the following to the end, replacing the path to the Warehouse index.php file as necessary:: */15 * * * * php /opt/lampp/htdocs/warehouse/index.php scheduled_tasks .. tip:: You can also run the task directly by invoking Apache, solving the issues described with user accounts. To do this you can run the scheduled_tasks link with the following command: wget -0 - -q -t 1 http://my.warehouse.url/index.php/scheduled_tasks Controlling which task is run ----------------------------- The scheduled tasks process runs the notifications system plus any modules on the warehouse that declare they should be scheduled to run. You can control exactly which modules are run by appending a **tasks** URL parameter containing a comma separated list of task names. If you are calling the PHP executable from the command-line, then you can specify a parameter called tasks instead. The task names available are: * **notifications** - fires the triggers and notifications system. * **work_queue** - fires the work queue processor. * **all_modules** - fires all the scheduled modules. * **_module name_** - provide the folder name for a module to fire it specifically. As an example the following URL triggers just the cache builder and data cleaner module to fire::,data_cleaner Using this approach it is possible to set up several different tasks which are repeated at different frequencies, e.g. to run the notifications system once an hour, the data cleaner once a night and the cache_builder every five minutes. Work queue ---------- The work_queue task is a recent addition to the Indicia warehouse for version 2. It examines the work_queue table to find tasks that have been queued and which need to be performed. The tasks are sorted by priority and the procesor is designed to be aware of your server's load and to avoid intensive tasks during periods of high load. Therefore it is safe to run the scheduled_tasks with a parameter `tasks=work_queue` as frequently as you like. You can further control the work queue processor by setting the following parameters: * max-priority - set to 1 for high priority tasks only, or 2 for medium and high priority tasks. * min-priority - set to 2 for medium and low priority tasks only, or 3 for low priority tasks only. * max-cost - set to a value from 1 to 100 to define the maximum cost of tasks. E.g. set to 80 to skip tasks that are very costly. For example, from a browser:: Or from the command-line (ensuring the paths to your PHP exe and warehouse are correct):: C:\PHP\php.exe "D:\htdocs\warehouse\index.php" scheduled_tasks tasks=work_queue max-priority=2 Note that you should run the work_queue task without a max-priority or max-cost parameter regularly at some point to ensure all tasks get processed, though you could limit these to certain times of the day for example. You can also append tasks manually to the work queue table where you want to trigger a process or set of processes. For example, you can trigger a bulk update of the cache tables for occurrences data to refresh all the content using the following query: .. code-block:: sql insert into work_queue(task, entity, record_id, params, cost_estimate, priority, created_on) select 'task_cache_builder_update', 'occurrence', id, null, 100, 2, now() from occurrences where deleted=false order by id; Work queue tasks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following list of tasks can be inserted into the work_queue table: *task_cache_builder_attrs_occurrence* Updates the cache_occurrences_nonfunctional.attrs_json data (a JSON representation of all the attribute values) for an occurrence record. The entity must be set to occurrence. *task_cache_builder_attrs_sample* Updates the cache_samples_nonfunctional.attrs_json data (a JSON representation of all the attribute values) for a sample record. The entity must be set to sample. *task_cache_builder_attrs_taxa_taxon_list* Updates the cache_taxa_taxon_lists_nonfunctional.attrs_json data (a JSON representation of all the attribute values) for a taxa_taxon_list record. The entity must be set to taxa_taxon_list. *task_cache_builder_path_occurrence* Provide an occurrence ID in record_id and set the entity to occurrence to update that occurrences taxon path data (the indexing for it's taxonomic hierarchy). *task_cache_builder_update* Performs an update of the tables for a record identified by entity (sample, occurrence or taxa_taxon_list) and record_id. Set params to `'{"deleted":true}'::json` to remove a deleted record from the cache. *task_cache_builder_user_privacy* Provide the id of a user in record_id and set entity to 'user' to update that user's sharing privacy settings in their cache entries. These settings are defined in the users table fields named like allow_share_for_*. *task_spatial_index_builder_location_delete* If a record from the locations table is deleted for an indexed location, set entity to location and the ID in record_id to ensure it is removed from the location_ids[] fields in the cache tables. *task_spatial_index_builder_location* Updates the spatial indexing for a location identified by record_id. *task_spatial_index_builder_occurrence* Updates the spatial indexing for an occurrence identified by record_id. *task_spatial_index_builder_sample* Updates the spatial indexing for a sample identified by record_id. Warehouse functionality dependent on scheduled tasks ---------------------------------------------------- The following functions require the scheduled tasks to be run at least periodically in order to work: * The warehouse :doc:`modules/cache-builder`. This module prepares simplified flat tables of the occurrences, taxa and term parts of the data model to significantly improve reporting performance. * The warehouse :doc:`modules/data-cleaner`. This runs automated verification checks against the incoming records. * The warehouse :doc:`modules/spatial-index-builder` module. This preempts the need to perform spatial joins to build lists of records in complex vice county and other similar boundaries. * The warehouse :doc:`modules/notify-verifications-and-comments`. This sends notifications of automated verifications and record comments back to the original recorder of the record. * The warehouse :doc:`modules/notify-pending-groups-users`. This sends notifications when a user requests membership of a group to the group's administrators. * The warehouse :doc:`modules/notification-emails`. This module sends notifications as emails or digest emails according to the settings in the `user_email_notification_settings` table for each user. * The warehouse functionality for :doc:`triggers-actions`.