Elasticsearch outputs (customisable) ==================================== This prebuilt page is designed to provide a flexible combination of outputs from an Elasticsearch instance, if one is configured and linked to the warehouse according to the instructions at https://github.com/Indicia-Team/support_files/tree/master/Elasticsearch. This approach can provide an extremely high performance reporting option where a warehouse holds multiple millions of records. It also contains controls for viewing record details and performing verification actions, providing an alternative approach to record verification. If you already have configured access to Elasticsearch via the warehouse's REST API, you should know or be able to find out the following settings: * Authentication method. The authentication can be configured in one of 3 ways: * As a client configured in the REST API configuration. This allows the warehouse administrator to setup custom permissions for a project and to point requests at an Elasticsearch alias which defines a very specific filter for the accessible records. The administrator will provide the endpoing, user and secret. * As a website - the website ID and password are used to authenticate. In this mode, the purpose (sharing) option is important. * As a user, using Java Web Tokens to authenticate. * Purpose - the sharing mode used to identify the correct set of records when authenticating as as website. For example a website may opt to share records to your site for verification but not public reporting. * Endpoint - the path within the REST API's address which refers to your Elasticsearch access alias. * User - when authenticating as a client - a code for your client (user) in the REST API configuration. * Secret - when authenticating as a client - a secret given for your user's access to the REST API Elasticsearch endpoint. * Warehouse ID prefix - the prefix inserted before occurrence ID to make a globally unique ID on the Elasticsearch cluster. If you do not have the above available and therefore need to set up the REST API access on the warehouse, then follow the instructions at :doc:`../../../developing/rest-web-services/elasticsearch`. The settings can be entered onto the Indicia configuration settings page for site-wide settings, or overridden in the settings on the Edit tab of individual Elasticsearch outputs pages. Where a page needs to access more than one Elasticsearch endpoint (e.g. to include data from both the occurrences and samples indexes) you can set the default one at the site level, then override this using the "Alternative endpoints" and `@endpoint` option for the `[source]` control. It would be beneficial to have a basic understanding of the Elasticsearch Query API before proceeding. Form configuration ------------------ The page offers standard configuration options for all Indicia pages powered by the IForm module. The additional specific settings are described below. Elasticsearch settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start by filling in your Elasticsearch options as described above on the *Elasticsearch settings* section of the Edit tab. Filter settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Not yet implemented. Currently, you can control page filtering by adding hidden inputs to the Form Structure. Permission settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Here you can defined the name of the Drupal permission which a user must have in order to be able to access the following kinds of data: * My records download permission (records are limited to the records input by the logged in user). * All records download permission (any records exposed by the Elasticsearch index alias configured on this page are available). * Records in collated locality download permission (if a field called `field_location_collation` is in the user profile which contains a numeric ID of an indexed location, then limits the available records to those which intersect that location. Can be used to allow users with regional permissions to access the records in their area such as a Local Environmental Records Centre.) Note that the default behaviour of an Elasticsearch page will be to request all records. Therefore if your user does not have the permission you set for all records they will not be able to access any data. If you want to use one of the permissions options other than all records you can make the page request data with the appropriate permissions filter by adding the `[permissionFilters]` control to the page. This outputs a drop down control that allows the user to select from whichever options they have permission to use. If there is only one option then the control is hidden. User Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The content of the generated page is entirely driven by the *User interface > Form structure* configuration. Like other Indicia customisable page types, the *Form Structure* is a text area in which you can place tokens which are replaced by controls when the page is viewed. You can intersperse the control tokens with HTML to build a custom layout if required. Controls are represented by their name in square brackets and must be the only thing on their line. They are followed by any number of parameters on the subsequent lines which start with @, are followed by the property name then equals then the value. The list of properties associated with a control stops as soon as something else is found which is not a property definition. Property names and values are normally on one line but if a large property value is required you can wrap the value in an XML comment (). For example:: [myControl] @myProperty=foo @myLongProperty= The controls available for addition to the page are as follows: [cardGallery] """"""""""""" Outputs a paged dataset of records, showing a gallery in "card" format. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-cardGallery`. [controlLayout] """"""""""""""" A control for managing layout, e.g. for verification pages. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-controlLayout`. [customScript] """""""""""""" Allows a custom JavaScript to visualise the output of an Elasticsearch source. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-customScript`. [dataGrid] """""""""" Generates a table containing Elasticsearch data. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-dataGrid`. [download] """""""""" A button with associated progress display for generating downloadable zip files of CSV data from an associated [source] control. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-download`. [filterSummary] """"""""""""""" Provides a textual summary of all the filters applied on the page. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-filterSummary`. [groupIntegration] """""""""""""""""" Converts the page into a group-linked (activity) report. Responds to the `group_id` and `implicit` URL parameters added for links to activity pages, adding appropriate filtration to the report output to show that group's data. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-groupIntegration`. [higherGeographySelect] """"""""""""""""""""""" A select box for choosing from a list of higher geography boundaries. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-higherGeographySelect`. [leafletMap] """""""""""" A map panel which uses the leaflet library that can display occurrence data from Elasticsearch in a variety of ways. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-leafletMap`. [permissionFilters] """"""""""""""""""" Output a selector for various high level permissions filtering options. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-permissionFilters`. [recordDetails] """"""""""""""" A tabbed panel showing key details of the record. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-recordDetails`. [runCustomVerificationRulesets] """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A button that can be added to a verification page to enable the custom verification rules feature, which allows the user to manage their own sets of local rules for highlighting records during verification. Displays a popup dialog allowing the user to: * select and run a custom verification ruleset against the currently loaded data, * access a link to a management page for the user's sets of rules, * clear any existing flags the user previously applied to the current page. [source] """""""" The `source` control acts as a link from other controls on the page to a set of data from Elasticsearch. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-source`. [standardParams] """""""""""""""" A toolbar allowing filters to be applied to the page's report data. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-standardParams`. [statusFilters] """"""""""""""" Provides a drop down of record status filters. Selecting a filter applies that filter to the current page's outputs. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-statusFilters`. [templatedOutput] """"""""""""""""" A flexible output of ES data which uses templates to build the HTML. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-templatedOutput`. [urlParams] """"""""""" This control allows you to configure how the page uses parameters in the URL to filter the output shown on the page. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-urlParams`. [userFilters] """"""""""""" Provides a drop down populated with the user's saved report filters. Selecting a filter applies that filter to the current page's outputs. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-userFilters`. [verificationButtons] """"""""""""""""""""" Outputs a panel containing action buttons for verification tasks. See :ref:`elasticsearch-report-helper-verificationButtons`. Adding filters to the page using HTML hidden inputs --------------------------------------------------- It is possible to define filters for the entire page by adding hidden inputs to the form structure which define each filter value. These filters can be hidden with a fixed value that is always applied, or visible, e.g. a text input that the user can use to search. We use HTML5 data attributes to define the filter behaviour and set the class to `es-filter-param` so the code detects changes to the value and applied the filter to the report output. The data attributes you can specify are: * data-es-bool-clause - set to `must`, `must_not`, `should` or `filter`. Normally you will set this to `must` or `must_not` but see `Elasticsearch Bool Query documentation `_ for more info. * data-es-field - when this filter applies to a specific field, set to the Elasticsearch field name you want to filter against. * data-es-query-type - set to one of the following: * match_all * match_none * term * terms * match * match_phrase * match_phrase_prefix * query_string * simple_query_string All of the above map to the query with the same name in the `Elasticsearch Query DSL documentation `_. * data-es-nested - allows a filter against data values which are in nested objects within the JSON document (see `Nested data type documentation `_). Some parts of the occurrence document on ES contain groups of values which relate together as a single object, e.g. a geographical location's ID, name and type are grouped into a nested object. Elasticsearch keeps these as separate mini-documents in the index so when you query the main occurrence document, the nested object data is not in the scope of the query. Setting data-es-nested allows you to define the path to nested objects and switches the context of the query to the nested objects instead of the main document. See `Nested query documentation `_. * data-es-query - allows a custom Elasticsearch query to be defined as a JSON string. The token `#value#` will be replaced by the value of the input control. For example: .. code-block:: HTML * data-es-summary - allows a summary string to be associated with control. If the control is used, the summary string will be displayed by the [filterSummary] control if it is included on the page. If you use the token `#value#` in the summary string it will be replaced by the value of the input control. For example: .. code-block:: HTML Some examples follow: .. code-block:: HTML To override the default filter which excludes all confidential records you can use a hidden input like: .. code-block:: HTML