Drupal MySQL Backups¶
To capture a snapshot of a Drupal website you need to backup both the files on the website and the database, typically MySQL. Even if you are performing regular backups of your server, you can’t be sure that you are getting a consistent snapshot of database contents if the database is active, with files open and being modified during the backup. To overcome this, both PostgreSQL and MySql can perform scheduled dumps to file which are guaranteed to be consistent. These files can then be copied as part of your routine backup, ensuring your data is kept safe. This article gives guidance on what I did to set this up on a Windows server for MySQL.
When I wanted to create scheduled backups for MySql I made use of what was offered in MySql Administrator. This is effectively just an interface to Windows Task Scheduler. I complicated matters because I decided I didn’t want the task to run as Windows administrator, logging in as root to the database. Instead I created users with limited privileges. The steps I took went as follows.
Login to server as administrator
Create a new user. We will give them the name ‘mysql’ in this example, but use what you like. If you administer your server remotely, add the user to the group, Remote Desktop Users.
Create a folder to store your backup files. Give user ‘mysql’ read, write and modify permissions to the folder.
In a command prompt execute the following command to give ‘mysql’ rights to create scheduled tasks:
cacls c:\windows\tasks /e /g mysql:c
Login to MySql Administrator as ‘root’. Create a new user which we will call ‘backup’ in this example. Give ‘backup’ select, show view and lock_tables privileges on each schemata you want to backup.
Log in to the server as ‘mysql’.
Start MySql Administrator and create a stored connection, enabling password storage in the general options category first. The connection is for user ‘backup’.
Restart MySql Administrator, connecting with this stored connection.
If you don’t want backups to accumulate, go to Tools > Options and, in the administrator category, deselect Add Date/Time to Backup Files. Successive backups will overwrite previous ones if you do this. Apply and close the dialog.
Select the backup view. All the schemata you granted permissions to will be in the list. You can either create one backup project for everything or a number of smaller projects. If you create one big backup you can still select to restore individual tables within schemata but it just takes longer to analyse the file.
Create a new backup project, select backup content and define a schedule. When you save the project you will have to give the credentials of the user ‘mysyl’ under whose login the backup will run.
If you want to test your configuration, you can go to Control Panel > Scheduled Tasks and run your task.