Integrating with custom attributes

Our report is starting to take shape now. We could easily extend the query to include other fields, but how should we approach the issue of custom attributes? We are trying to write our report code to be as generic as possible but each survey set up using Indicia has its own set of attributes so needs a different query to get all the data out. We don’t want to have to write new report files for every survey we set up. Fortunately the Indicia reporting engine supports special parameter types smpattrs, occattrs and locattrs which allow the report to be called with a list of sample, occurrence or location custom attributes to be added to the report output as an input parameter.


Normally, you would not expect the user to input a list of custom attributes to report against, but the report controls and the Drupal prebuilt forms for reporting allow you to set preconfigured parameter values for any parameter and therefore for this parameter to be hidden from the parameters form. So configuring the list of attributes included in the report becomes a task for the person setting up the report page.

Since our report does not support location data we are going to reinstate the <params> element and add parameters to allow sample and occurrence custom attributes to be included in the report. Insert the following under the closing </query> tag:

  <param name="smpattrs" display="Sample attribute list" default=""
      description="Comma separated list of sample attribute IDs to include"
      datatype="smpattrs" />
  <param name="occattrs" display="Occurrence attribute list" default=""
      description="Comma separated list of occurrence attribute IDs to include"
      datatype="occattrs" />

Note that in order to use the special custom attribute parameter types we must fulfil certain criteria.

  • We need to include the #joins# tag in the report SQL to tell Indicia where to put the additional joins required to include the attribute data.

  • The query must include a table which contains the ID attribute that the attribute values are linked to, for example the sample ID, occurrence ID or location ID.

  • If the ID fields can be referred to in the SQL using, and then no further changes are required. You can override these defaults, for example if you have a query listing occurrences which does not join in the samples table but need to be able to add sample attribute values. The <query> element needs an attribute samples_id_field which identifies the field reference that can be used in the SQL to join to the sample, in this case “o.sample_id”.

The #joins# tag can normally go into the query in the same place as the #agreements_join# but on occasion it might be necessary to put these join tags in different parts of the query, which is why there is a separate tag rather than just one. For our purposes the tag can go on the line after the existing #agreements_join# tag, so our report now looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<report title="Tutorial"
      description="Display some records for the report writing tutorial">
  <query website_filter_field="o.website_id" standard_params="occurrences">
    select #columns#
    from cache_occurrences_functional o
    join cache_samples_nonfunctional snf on
    join cache_taxa_taxon_lists cttl on
    where #sharing_filter#
    <param name="smpattrs" display="Sample attribute list" default=""
           description="Comma separated list of sample attribute IDs to include"
           datatype="smpattrs" />
    <param name="occattrs" display="Occurrence attribute list" default=""
           description="Comma separated list of occurrence attribute IDs to include"
           datatype="occattrs" />
    <column name="id" sql="" visible="false" datatype="integer"/>
    <column name="public_entered_sref" sql="snf.public_entered_sref"
            display="Grid Ref" datatype="text"/>
    <column name="preferred_taxon" sql="cttl.preferred_taxon"
            display="Species" datatype="text"/>
    <column name="default_common_name" sql="cttl.default_common_name"
            display="Common Name" datatype="text"/>
    <column name="date_start" sql="o.date_start" visible="false"/>
    <column name="date_end" sql="o.date_end" visible="false"/>
    <column name="date_type" sql="o.date_type" visible="false"/>
    <column name="date" display="Date" datatype="date"/>

Update your report to match and run the report. If you don’t already have any custom attributes configured for one of the surveys accessible to your client website then this would be a good time to configure one. You can then try specifying the custom attribute using the ID or attribute caption in the parameter to check it works.