Occurrence report standard parameters

When a report has been enabled for occurrence standard paramaters, it will support a common set of parameters. The report will automatically support the following list of parameters:

  • idlist - a comma separated list of occurrence IDs to include.

  • searchArea - Well-Known Text (WKT) definition of a polygon to filter on. Use the web mercator projection (unless Indicia has been reconfigured to use a different projection).

  • occurrence_id - a single occurrence ID to filter against. Optionally supply a parameter called occurrence_id_op to specify =, >= or <= as the filter opration.

  • taxon_rank_sort_order can be used to filter to include taxa above or below a certain rank, defined by the sort_order field in the taxon_ranks table. Optionally supply a parameter called taxon_rank_sort_order_op to specify =, >= or <= as the filter opration.

  • location_name - the location name text field or linked location’s name contains the supplied filter text.

  • location_list - a comma separated list of location IDs. Records are included if they overlap with or are contained in the location’s boundary. Optionally supply a parameter called location_list_op to specify ‘in’ or ‘not in’ as the filter operation.

  • indexed_location_list - as location_list, but the locations must be indexed by the spatial_index_builder warehouse module. Much faster, especially for complex boundaries. Optionally supply a parameter called indexed_location_list_op to specify ‘in’ or ‘not in’ as the filter operation.

  • output_sref_systems - supply a comma separated list of spatial reference system codes, e.g. OSGB,OSIE. Limits the records to those where the record’s geographic location is such that the preferred output spatial reference system matches one in the supplied list.

  • date_from - filter to records that were recorded on or after this date.

  • date_to - filter to records that were recorded on or before this date.

  • date_age - include records that were recorded after a date defined by an age. e.g. ‘3 weeks’ or ‘1 year’.

  • input_date_from - filter to records that were input on or after this date.

  • input_date_to - filter to records that were input on or before this date.

  • input_date_age - include records that were input after a date defined by an age. e.g. ‘3 weeks’ or ‘1 year’.

  • edited_date_from - filter to records that were edited on or after this date.

  • edited_date_to - filter to records that were edited on or before this date.

  • edited_date_age - include records that were edited after a date defined by an age. e.g. ‘3 weeks’ or ‘1 year’.

  • verified_date_from - filter to records that were verified on or after this date.

  • verified_date_to - filter to records that were verified on or before this date.

  • verified_date_age - include records that were verified after a date defined by an age.

  • tracking_from - filter to only include records after a given update tracking ID. Can be used to retrieve a feed of changes.

  • tracking_to - filter to only include records before a given update tracking ID. Can be used to retrieve a feed of changes.

  • quality - defines the quality criteria to apply. The following options are available:

    • V - verified as correct by an expert only
    • C - recorder was certain and record not rejected by an expert
    • L - recorder’s opinion was certain or likely and record not rejected by an expert
    • P - pending verification
    • !D - not rejected or dubiuos/queried
    • !R - not rejected
    • D - dubious/queried only
    • R - rejected only
    • DR - dubious or rejected only
  • exclude_sensitive - provide ‘t’ to hide sensitive records completely. Note that the cache_occurrences table already blurs the information for sensitive records.

  • confidential - filter on the record’s confidential status. This is different to sensitivity in that it is generally set by the dataset administrator in order to disable communications regarding a record, e.g. it prevents notifications being sent out to a recorder when the record is verified. Set the filter to ‘f’ to exclude confidential records, ‘t’ to include only confidential records or ‘all’ to disable this filter. Default is ‘f’ so confidential records are excluded.

  • release_status - filter on the release status of records. The following options are available:

    • R - released records only (default)
    • U - unreleased records only
    • RU - released plus unreleased records only
    • P - records pending a “peer review” check requested by the recorder
    • RP - released plus records pending a “peer review” check requested by the recorder
    • RM - release records and also all records input by the user (My records)
    • A - all records irrespective of release status.
  • marine_flag - include or exclude species flagged as marine in the dictionary data. The following options are available:

    • Y - only marine
    • N - only non-marine
  • freshwater_flag - include or exclude species flagged as freshwater in the dictionary data. The following options are available:

    • Y - only freshwater
    • N - only non-freshwater
  • terrestrial_flag - include or exclude species flagged as terrestrial in the dictionary data. The following options are available:

    • Y - only terrestrial
    • N - only non-terrestrial
  • non_native_flag - include or exclude species flagged as non-native in the dictionary data. The following options are available:

    • Y - only terrestrial
    • N - only non-terrestrial
  • autochecks - filter based on automated verification rules applied to the records, with the following options:

    • P - only records which pass
    • F - only records which fail
  • has_photos - supply ‘1’ to only include records with photos or ‘0’ to exclude records with photos.

  • zero_abundance` - supply ‘1’ to only include zero abundance/negative presence records with photos or ‘0’ to exclude zero abundance/negative presence records.

  • user_id - the current user’s ID on the warehouse. Does not filter directly but may be used by other filter parameters.

  • my_records - supply ‘t’ to only include records input by the current user.

  • created_by_id - filter to records created by the provided User ID. This is an alternative to setting user_id and my_records=1 which may be more appropriate when filtering by another user’s records.

  • group_id - ID of a recording group. Only include records explicitly posted to this group.

  • implicit_group_id - ID of a recording group. Only include records by the group members. Should be used in conjunction with a filter defined for the group’s interests to retrieve the group records.

  • website_list - a comma separated list of website IDs to filter against (which must be ones that you have reporting access to). Specify website_list_op to either in (default) or not in to define how the filter is applied.

  • survey_list - a comma separated list of survey IDs to filter against. Specify survey_list_op to either in (default) or not in to define how the filter is applied.

  • input_form_list - a comma separated list of input form paths to filter against. Specify input_form_list_op to either in (default) or not in to define how the filter is applied.

  • import_guid_list - a comma separated list of import GUIDS to filter against. Each import of occurrence data generates a unique GUID that allows the records to be located at a later date.

  • taxon_group_list - a comma separated list of taxon group IDs to filter against.

  • taxa_taxon_list_list - a comma separated list of taxa_taxon_list record IDs to include, allowing filtering at the species or taxon level. Do not use this filter for taxa at family level or higher since the parameter below is optimised for wider queries. Provide the preferred taxa taxon list ID as this makes the query simpler and faster.

  • higher_taxa_taxon_list_list - a comma separated list of taxa_taxon_list record IDs to include, allowing filtering at the family or higher taxon level

  • taxon_meaning_list - a comma separated list of taxon meaning IDs to filter against.

  • identification_difficulty - specify a value from 1 to 5 to filter to this identification difficulty level if this feature is set up on your warehouse. Specify an optional identification_difficulty_op parameter to set the value ‘=’, ‘<=’ or ‘>=’ to control how the filter is applied.

  • taxa_taxon_list_attribute_ids - to filter for species which are tagged with a particular term (e.g. a habitat or resource), provide a list of the taxa_taxon_list_attributes record IDs which will be searched in to determine which attributes to include in the query. Must be used in conjunction with taxa_taxon_list_attribute_termlist_term_ids.

  • taxa_taxon_list_attribute_termlist_term_ids - to filter for species which are tagged with a particular term (e.g. a habitat or resource), provide a list of termlist_term IDs which will be searched for. Must be used in conjunction with taxa_taxon_list_attribute_ids.