Data Cleaner Sample Number Attribute Outside Range Module¶
This Data Cleaner module can be configured to provide a notification when a numeric attribute’s value associated with a sample is outside a given range. An example usage of this would be to allow recording of flying insects (e.g. butterflies) in different wind conditions using the numeric Beaufort scale but to flag records above force 3 for additional checking. For correct configuration in the warehouse, create a new verification rule with the following settings:
Title and Description set as required.
Test Type = SampleLookupAttrOutsideRange
Error Message = …
Other Data =
SurveyId=... Attr=... Low=... High=...
Set SurveyId to the ID of the survey being checked, set Attr to the ID of the sample attribute being checked, set Low to the lowest acceptable number and High to the highest acceptable number. Either Low or High may be omitted.