Warehouse Extension Modules¶
The warehouse is designed as a lightweight core essential for all biological recording usages of Indicia, with a set of optional extension modules that each enable a specific area of functionality.
Modules can be installed on warehouses by editing the application/config/config.php file using a text editor, then finding the definition of the $config[‘modules’] array. Ensure that this contains the following line, replacing module_name with the name of the file system folder which contains the module:
In some cases, the modules install additional menu items or tabs into the Indicia
warehouse user interface. Because the warehouse’s user interface is cached for performance
reasons, when you install such a module you will need to remove the files from the
folder in the warehouse installation folder which follow either of
the following patterns otherwise the user interface updates will not take place until
after the next cache update:
If the module makes changes to the database, visit home/upgrade
in your browser to run
the database scripts.
Module List¶
- Custom Cache Tables
- Cache Builder Module
- Data Cleaner Module
- Data Cleaner - Ancillary Species Module
- Data Cleaner - Designated Taxa Module
- Data Cleaner - Identification Difficulty Module
- Data Cleaner - Location Lookup Attribute in List
- Data Cleaner - New Species for Site module
- Data Cleaner - Occurrence Lookup Attribute Outside Range Module
- Data Cleaner Period Module
- Data Cleaner Period Within Year Module
- Data Cleaner - Phenology Within Biogeographical Region Module
- Data Cleaner - Sample Attribute Changes for Site Module
- Data Cleaner - Sample Lookup Attribute Outside Range Module
- Data Cleaner Sample Number Attribute Outside Range Module
- Data Cleaner - Sample Time Attribute Outside Range Module
- Data Cleaner - Species Location Module
- Data Cleaner - Species Location Name Module
- Data Cleaner - Without Polygon Module
- Indicia Auth Module
- Indicia Setup Module
- Indicia Services - Data Module
- Indicia Import Services Module
- Indicia Security Services Module
- Indicia Spatial Services Module
- Indicia Validation Services Module
- Individuals and Associations Module
- Log Browser Module
- NBN Species Dictionary Synchronisation Module
- Notification Emails Module
- Notify Verifications and Comments Module
- Notify Pending Group Users Module
- Occurrence Associations module
- People Tidier Module
- phpUnit Module
- Request Logging module
- REST API Module
- Spatial Index Builder Module
- Channel Islands Spatial References Module
- MTB Spatial References Module
- OSGB Spatial References Module
- OSIE Spatial References Module
- UTM Spatial References Module
- Survey Cleanup
- Survey Structure Export
- Taxon Designations
- Taxon Groups to Taxon Lists Link Module
- Workflow