Report File Format¶
See also
Reports in Indicia are defined by placing XML files in the reports folder on the warehouse which define the SQL query to run against the database, the input parameters and the output columns. Report files must be valid XML documents with the following element structure.
Element <report>¶
This is the top level element of the XML document.
Attributes of <report>¶
title - the display title of the report.
description - the description of the report.
featured - optional. Set to true for reports that meet the criteria to be included in lists of featured or recommended reports. Featured reports must:
support the standard report parameters, or at the very least support a parameter called created_by_id to filter by the user who created the records unless it is intentional that all the records exposed by the report are accessible to all users.
be well maintained and described.
be included in the list of report tests configured to run in the automated testing. See the $featuredReports variable defined in the report test class.
summary - optional. Set to true for reports that only output summary data and therefore can be accessed without concern for whether raw data is being made available. The REST API uses this flag to limit reports available to users who shouldn’t have raw data access.
restricted - optional. Set to true for any reports that should not be exposed for public access. These reports will only be available for access via the RESTful API if authorised explicitly for a client project.
Child elements of <report>¶
Example of <report>¶
<report title="My report" description="A list of records">
Element <query>¶
There is a single element called query in the XML document, which should be a direct child of the report element. This contains the SQL statement to run, which may contain modifications and replacement tokens to allow it to integrate with the reporting system, as described elsewhere.
Attributes of <query>¶
There are several attributes available for the <query>
element, which serve
to override the default field used when the warehouse adds certain filters to
the query. For example, the sharing options for a report allow the report to
be filtered to a website or list of websites, or to the current user. The
warehouse therefore will need to know the field name to use when inserting each
filter into the query.
website_filter_field - field name, including the table alias, used for identifying and filtering websites within the query. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the websites table is joined into the query with a table alias “w”.
created_by_field identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to filter for the current user when using the option sharing=me. Defaults to o.created_by_id which is based on the assumption that the occurrences table is joined into the query with a table alias “o”.
samples_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the sample_attribute_values table in order to include sample custom attributes in the report output. Use in conjunction with the smpattrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the samples table is joined into the query with a table alias “s”. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
samples2_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the sample_attribute_values table a second time in order to include sample custom attributes of a parent sample in the report output. Use in conjunction with the smp2attrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the samples table is joined into the query with a table alias “s2”. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
occurrences_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the occurrence_attribute_values table in order to include occurrence custom attributes in the report output. Use in conjunction with the occattrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the occurrences table is joined into the query with a table alias “o”. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
occurrences2_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the occurrence_attribute_values table a second time in order to include custom attributes of an associated occurrence in the report output. Use in conjunction with the occ2attrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the occurrences table is joined into the query with a table alias “o2”. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
locations_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the location_attribute_values table in order to include location custom attributes in the report output. Use in conjunction with the locattrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the locations table is joined into the query with a table alias “l”. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
locations2_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the location_attribute_values table a second time in order to include custom attributes of a parent location in the report output. Use in conjunction with the loc2attrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the locations table is joined into the query with a table alias “l2”. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
taxa_taxon_lists_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the taxa_taxon_list_attribute_values table in order to include taxon custom attributes in the report output. Use in conjunction with the taxattrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “ttl.preferred_taxa_taxon_list_id” which is based on the assumption that the taxa_taxon_lists table is joined into the query with a table alias “ttl”. Taxon attribute values are only created for preferred taxa and not for common names and synonyms which is why we need to join on that id. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
termlists_terms_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the termlists_term_attribute_values table in order to include term custom attributes in the report output. Use in conjunction with the trmattrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the termlists_terms table is joined into the query with a table alias “tlt”. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
surveys_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the survey_attribute_values table in order to include survey custom attributes in the report output. Use in conjunction with the srvattrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the surveys table is joined into the query with a table alias “su”. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
people_id_field - identifies the field in the SQL query which is used to join to the person_attribute_values table in order to include person custom attributes in the report output. Use in conjunction with the psnattrs datatype for a report parameter. Defaults to “” which is based on the assumption that the people table is joined into the query with a table alias “p”. See Optional custom attributes for more info.
standard_param - set to “occurrences” to enable a standardised set of filter parameters for filtering occurrence records or “samples” for sample records. This includes a range of filter options such as date, species group, geography etc. They are designed to integrate with the filter panel provided in the reporting client helpers. See Standard parameters in reports for more information.
Replacements Tokens¶
Within the SQL you include in the <query>
element, you can insert the
following tokens which will be replaced when the warehouse builds the query to
#columns# - replaced by a list of fields generated from the sql attributes of each
element in the<columns>
section. For example, the query could readselect #columns# from taxa
and there could be 2<column>
definitions with the sql attribute set to “id” and “taxon” respectively, resulting in a queryselect id, taxon from taxa
.#field_sql# - replaced by the contents of the
element and used to separate the list of fields from the rest of the SQL statement, which allows the warehouse to replace the field list withcount(*)
in order to count the query results. If using #columns# then it is not necessary. See Element <field_sql> for more information on using this replacement token.#agreements_join# - if you are using the sharing parameter for the reporting web service, then this replacement token specifies where in the query that the warehouse will insert a join to the index_websites_website_agreements table when needing to find the list of websites whose records can be included in the report output.
#sharing_filter# - if you are using tbe sharing parameter for the reporting web service, then this replacement token specifies where in the query’s
clause to insert any filter required for the sharing, e.g. this could be a filter on the occurrence created_by_id field when the sharing mode is “me”, or it could be a filter on the websites joined by the index_websites_website_agreements table for other sharing modes which allow records from other specific websites to be included in query output.#idlist# - when used in conjunction with the idlist datatype for a report parameter, this is replaced by a list of selected IDs to filter the report by as provided for the parameter. A typical use of the idlist is to allow a report to integrate with a map featuring polygon based querying. Once the polygon is drawn on the map and the contained points are found, the IDs of the points can be passed to the idlist parameter so that the grid filters to show just the points within the polygon. Therefore the idlist token should mark a position in the report
clause which is suitable for the warehouse to insert SQL along the lines ofAND IN (1,2,3,4,5)
.#order_by# - When a report output is required in a particular sort order, e.g. after clicking on a column title in a grid to sort it, Indicia will append an SQL
clause to the end of the query. This token is only required in the unusual circumstance that the clause needs to be inserted into the query somewhere other than the very end of the report SQL, e.g. if it needs to precede aLIMIT
statement.#training# - If the report includes either the occurrences or cache_occurrences table with a website filter, then the training mode on the logged in user’s account will be automatically applied to filter the report. In some cases however you may want to handle training mode filtering in a different way, in which case your report can use the #training# replacement, which will be set to true or false as appropriate.
#group_bys# - if your query contains aggregate columns, then Indicia wil automatically generate a GROUP BY clause in the SQL. By default this is placed at the end of the query. Using this replacement token allows you to specify where in the query the GROUP BY will appear, useful when grouping in a subquery for example.
In addition any declared parameters are available as
replacement tokens, so if there is a parameter called “survey_id” then the
replacement token #survey_id#
can be used in the report and it will be
replaced by the selected survey ID when the report is run.
Example of <query>¶
<query website_filter_field="o.website_id">
SELECT #columns#
FROM cache_occurrences o
JOIN websites w on
WHERE #sharing_filter#
AND o.record_status not in ('I','T') AND (#ownData#=1 OR o.record_status not in ('D','R'))
AND ('#searchArea#'='' OR st_intersects(o.public_geom, st_geomfromtext('#searchArea#',900913)))
AND (#ownData#=0 OR CAST(o.created_by_id AS character varying)='#currentUser#')
Element <count_query>¶
Indicia normally auto-generates a query to calculate the count of rows in the total dataset from
the <query>
element. In rare cases, however, it may be necessary to use an optimisation for the
main query which breaks the default count query. In these cases, the <count_query>
element can be
used to provide an alternative query that avoids the breaking optimisation structure.
An example might be a scenario where a complex aggregation query designed to populate a data table
with a limited number of rows runs slowly, because the whole dataset needs to be constructed
including aggregation calculations before PostgreSQL can sort, then finally limit the results. In
these cases it can be much faster to perform an inner query with just the sort and limit, then
join this sub-query to an outer query that calculates the aggregation data on just the limited set.
This is too complex for Indicia to be able to auto-generate the count query and furthermore it is
unnecessary as the count query does not need the aggregated column outputs, just to know the total
number of distinct rows. The following illustrates this using a fictitious occurrences_summary
table. Note how the inner query forces a limit which would affect any attempt to count using this
<query website_filter_field="">
SELECT #columns#
SELECT DISTINCT o.accepted_name_taxon_version_key, o.species_group_name
FROM occurrences_summary o
) sub
JOIN occurrences_summary o on o.accepted_name_taxon_version_key=sub.accepted_name_taxon_version_key
SELECT #columns#
FROM occurrences_summary o
<column name="accepted_name_taxon_version_key" display="TVK" visible="false" sql="o.accepted_name_taxon_version_key"
datatype="text" in_count="true" />
<column name="species_group_name" display="Species group" sql="o.species_group_name" datatype="text" />
<column name="species_scientific_name" display="Scientific name" sql="o.species_scientific_name" datatype="text" />
<column name="species_vernacular_name" display="Common name" sql="o.species_vernacular_name" datatype="text" />
<column name="first_year" display="First year" sql="min(o.year)" datatype="integer" aggregate="true" />
<column name="last_year" display="Last year" sql="max(o.year)" datatype="integer" aggregate="true" />
<column name="tetrads" display="Tetrads" sql="count(distinct o.tetrad)" datatype="integer" aggregate="true" />
<column name="count" display="Count" sql="count(o.*)" datatype="integer" aggregate="true" />
Element <order_bys>¶
Contains elements defining the default sort order of the report. This can be overriding by an ascending or descending sort on any column, e.g. when clicking on a report grid title.
Child elements of <order_bys>¶
Element <order_by>¶
Contains the SQL for a single sort order field or comma separated group of
fields, e.g. s.date_start ASC
Element <field_sql>¶
When the #field_sql# replacement token is used in the query, provide the SQL for
the list of fields in this element which will be replaced into the token when
the query is run. The #field_sql# token should go immediately after the
keyword and before the FROM
keyword to form a valid SQL statement
when it is replaced. This approach provides a quick way of allowing Indicia to
perform a count of the records in a report without running the entire report
query. For a fully featured paginator to be shown for any report grids, Indicia
needs to know the total count of rows in the report result. Although this is
achievable by simply loading the entire results of a query and counting rows,
Indicia does not take this approach as it could lead to severe performance
impacts on the server for inefficient queries or large result sets. Using a
query is much faster.
Example of <field_sql>¶
<query>SELECT #field_sql# FROM cache_occurrences</query>
<field_sql>id, preferred_taxon_name, public_entered_sref</field_sql>
Element <params>¶
The <params>
element provides an area within the report definition to list
parameters for the query and provide configuration for each.
Child elements of <params>¶
Element <param>¶
Configuration for a single report parameter.
Attributes of <param>¶
name - The name of the attribute. Must consist of alphabetic characters, numbers and underscores only. The attribute is wrapped in hashes to create the replacement token which will be replaced in the query. For example, if
a parameter named “startdate” is passed a value 01/10/2012 when the report is run
the report include a clause
WHERE date>'#startdate#'
in the SQL
then the clause would be replaced when the report is run to form the SQL
WHERE date>'01/10/2012'
.display - The text used to label the parameter in the input parameters form displayed to the user before running the report.
description - Gives a further description displayed alongside the parameter in the form.
datatype - Used in determining the type of control to show when requesting the parameter. Currently, the core module report interface supports datatypes ‘text’, ‘text[]’, ‘integer’, ‘integer[]’, ‘lookup’, ‘date’, ‘geometry’, ‘polygon’, ‘line’, ‘point’, ‘idlist’, ‘excludeidlist’, ‘smpattrs’, ‘smp2attrs’, ‘occattrs’, ‘occ2attrs’, ‘locattrs’, ‘loc2attrs’, ‘taxattrs’, ‘trmattrs’, ‘srvattrs’, ‘psnattrs’. All other values default to text. Date will show a datepicker control. Lookup will show a select box. Geometry, Polygon, Line and Point all require a map for the user to draw the input parameter shape onto. The (smp|occ|loc|tax|trm|srv|psn|)attrs are special datatypes that are described in the section Optional custom attributes. When viewing the parameters form in the Warehouse interface, the contents of the lookup are populated using the query in the query attribute. When using the report_grid control in the data_entry_helper class, the contents of the lookup are populated using the population_call attribute. Alternatively a fixed set of values can be specified by using the lookup_values attribute. Note that the datatypes with [] appended or idlist indicate cases where a list of comma separated values is provided to use in an SQL IN clause, allowing the system to sanitise individual list elements. excludeidlist is similar but creates a NOT IN clause.
query - Used to provide an SQL query used to populate the select box for lookup parameters. The query should return 2 fields, the key and display value. This only works on the warehouse and does not work for reports run from client websites, since they cannot directly issue SQL queries, so it is recommended that you use the population_call attribute instead.
population_call - Allows report parameter forms on client websites to populate the select boxes shown in the report’s input parameters form. The format of the value specified for this attribute should be either of the following, replacing the values in <> as appropriate:
direct:<table name>:<value field>:<caption field>
report:<report name>:<value field>:<caption field>
The first part of the value is set to direct or report to indicate loading data from a table or report respectively. This is followed by the table name or report name (including path), then the name of the field which provides the underlying parameter value to pass into the report, then finally the name of the field which provides the caption to display to the user for this value in the drop down. Examples include “direct:survey:id:title” or “report:my_reports/taxon_groups:id:title” where
is a report which must return fields named id and title. You can optionally append an additional colon, then a list of report parameters, comma- separate in formparam=value
.Use the
value in population_call to invoke a species autocomplete control for the parameter.lookup_values - Allows specification of a fixed list of values for a parameter with the lookup datatype. This is an alternative to using population_call to populate the select box in the parameters input form from the database. Specify each entry as key:value with commas between them, for example “all:All,C:Complete,S:Sent for verification,V:Verified”.
linked_to - Available only for select parameters and allows another select to be specified as the parent. In this case, the values in this select are filtered using the value in the parent select. For example, a select for survey might be linked to a select for website, meaning that selecting a website repopulates the list of available surveys.
linked_filter_field - Applies when using linked_to, and allows the filtered field in the entity accessed by the population_call to be specified. In the above example of a survey lookup linked to a website lookup, the survey lookup would specify this as website_id.
emptyvalue - Allows a special value to be used when the parameter is left blank by the user. As an example, take an integer parameter, with SQL syntax WHERE id=#id#. If the user leaves this parameter blank, then invalid SQL is generated (WHERE id=). But, if emptyvalue=’0’ is specified in the parameter definition, then the SQL generated will be WHERE id=0, which is valid and in most cases will return no records. Consider replacing the SQL with
WHERE (id=#id# OR #id#=0)
to create a filter that will return all records when left blank.default - A parameter with a default value
fieldname - Use in conjunction with the idlist datatype. For more information see More information on the idlist datatype
alias - Use in conjunction with the idlist datatype. For more information see More information on the idlist datatype
preprocess - Sometimes it is more efficient to pre-process a parameter value using an SQL statement than to try to perform the required processing within the single report query. An example is when filtering a report by taxon hierarchy if the passed in parameter is a higher taxon such as a family or order. The preprocess query can convert the input parameter to a list of keys or IDs corresponding to all the species within the input taxon and feed that list into the report. The original value can still be accessed within the main query by adding -unprocessed to the parameter name, for example for a parameter called “higher_taxon” the processed list of species would be replaced for a token called #higher_taxon# and the unprocessed original parameter would be available in #higher_taxon-unprocessed#. The preprocess value can contain one of the following:
A single SQL statement which has the parameter name as a token (surrounded by # characters) which will be replaced by the original parameter value, plus optionally #website_ids# and #master_list_id# tokens which will be replaced as appropriate. The query should return a string which will be replaced into the parameter’s SQL, replacing the token with the same name as the parameter.
An array of several SQL statements, keyed by the name of the token which should be replaced in the parameter’s SQL. For example, the taxa_taxon_list_list parameter uses 2 preprocess queries, one to convert the input taxa_taxon_list_ids into taxon_meaning_ids (which can be used to easily search the taxon hierarchy), plus a second which identifies the taxon_group_ids. Providing a list of taxon_meaning_ids as well as a list of taxon_group_ids gives the query planner a better chance to use indexes when optimising the query, since the taxon_group_ids is likely to be a much simpler case with a smaller list of IDs.
order_by - If set, then the ORDER BY clause of the report will have this value added to it only when a value is supplied for this parameter. Specify a field name and optionally ASC or DESC for the order.
More information on the idlist datatype¶
The idlist is a special datatype that will not add a control to the input form. Instead it provides a hidden input in the form which other code on the page can use to filter the report. An example of the use of this field is when using the report_map control linked with a report_grid so that clicking on the map passes a comma separated list of occurrence IDs into the hidden input, then reloads the report grid. In order for this to work it is necessary to provide 2 additional attributes of the parameter alongside the datatype=”idlist”. These are fieldname which defines the name of the field in the SQL (including table alias if necessary) and alias which is the aliased fieldname that is output by the query. The former is used when constructing the SQL report query, the latter is used when retrieving the ids to filter against from the report output. So, in a simplified report example which includes this SQL:
SELECT as occurrence_id FROM occurrences
WHERE o.deleted=false
you would expect a parameter defined like:
<param name="idlist" display="List of IDs"
description="Comma separated list of occurrence IDs to filter to."
datatype="idlist" fieldname="" alias="occurrence_id" />
Parameters which require additional filters in the WHERE section¶
If a query should have a filter in the WHERE section only if one of the parameters is
specified or has a certain value, you can add a <where>
element to the <param>
For example, a filter on taxon group could include the filter SQL only when a taxon
group has been specified.
<param name='taxon_groups' display='Taxon Groups'
description='Comma separated list of taxon group IDs to filter the report by, if
o.taxon_group_id in (#taxon_groups#)
It is also possible to qualify the filter, by specifying attributes operator and value. The operator must be set to equal or notequal and the value should then be set to define a condition on when this filter is applied to the report SQL. In this example, a taxon groups preferences parameter is only applied to the report if the ownGroups param is checked.
<param name="taxon_groups" display="Taxon Groups"
description="Comma separated list of taxon group IDs to filter the report by, if
any" />
<param name="ownGroups">
<where operator="equal" value="true">
o.taxon_group_id in (#taxon_groups#)
Parameters which require additional joins¶
Sometimes, a query join is required in a report only when a parameter has a
value, or has a certain value. Including the join in the report at all times
would normally reduce performance of the report even when the join was not
necessary. For example, a parameter filtering on the record’s survey title might
require a join to the surveys table which would not otherwise be required. In
this case, specify a child element of the parameter called <join>
contains the join SQL, and ensure that the query contains the #joins#
tag so
that the pre-processor knows where to insert the join. The following example is
from a verification report which only includes a join to the locations table if
the expert’s region of expertise is specified:
<param name='expertise_location' display='Location of Expertise'
description='Provide the location in which your expertise applies'
datatype='lookup' population_call='direct:location:id:name'>
JOIN locations lexpert ON st_intersects(lexpert.boundary_geom, s.geom)
It is also possible to qualify the join, by specifying attributes operator and value. The operator must be set to equal or notequal and the value should then be set to define a filter on when this join is applied to the report SQL.
Optional custom attributes¶
The parameter datatypes smpattrs, smp2attrs, occattrs, occ2attrs, locattrs, loc2attrs, taxattrs, trmattrs, srvattrs, and psnattrs are special types used to allow the input of a comma separated list of custom attributes to be added to the report output. Attributes can be for samples, parent samples, occurrences, parent occurrences, locations, parent locations, taxa, terms, surveys and people respectively and can be provided either by specifying the attribute caption or ID in the comma separated list. A third option is to specify a hash followed by the key of a system function in which case the appropriate attributes for that system function will be automatically pulled into the report. For example you might include the sex, stage and identifier of a record by referring to the system functions of the columns as
To use parameters of these types it is necessary to fulfill several requirements in the way your report is specified:
The report must use the field_sql element or #columns# to separate the field list from the SQL statement, so that additional fields can be added to the list as required.
The report query must contain a tag #joins# in the SQL in a position where additional joins can be inserted.
The query must include a table which contains the ID attribute that the attribute values are linked to, for example the sample ID, occurrence ID or location ID.
If the ID fields can be referred to in the SQL using,,,,,,,,, or, then no further changes are required. You can override these defaults, for example if you have a query listing occurrences which does not join in the samples table but need to be able to add sample attribute values. In this case, the query element needs an attribute samples_id_field which identifies the field reference that can be used in the SQL to join to the sample, in this case o.sample_id. See Element <query> for more info.
You can also use the output column as if it were a normally declared column in your report. This lets you specify the column details in the report_grid options to show or hide a column, set the caption etc, or to specify the column in the extraParams in order to filter for a specific column value. To do this you need to work out the name of the custom attribute’s report column. This will be of the pattern attr_(location|sample|occurrence)_(ref), where ref is the attribute’s ID or caption depending on how you requested the attribute originally, with the caption being converted to lowercase and all non-alphanumeric characters converted to underscores. There is also a second hidden column added called attr_id_(location|sample|occurrence)_(ref) which contains the attribute value table’s ID useful if you need to identify which record to update to change the data underlying the report. For example, if a sample attribute has ID 4 and caption “CMS User ID” then you can request this in either of the following ways:
Parameter request for smpattrs |
Output column name | column name |
4 |
attr_location_4 |
attr_id_location_4 |
CMS User ID |
attr_sample_cms_user_id |
attr_id_location_cms_user_id |
For system function references, there is just a single column called attr followed by an underscore then the key of the system function, e.g. attr_det_full_name.
Element <columns>¶
The <columns>
element provides an area within the report definition to list
output columns and provide configuration for each column. A report which lists
the columns directly in the <query>
element’s SQL statement does not need
to specify the columns here to work, although the flexibility of the report is
greatly increased if columns are specified.
Child elements of <columns>¶
Element <column>¶
Provides the definition of a single output column for the report query.
Attributes of <column>¶
name Should match the name used in the query:
SELECT foo FROM websites
should have name fooSELECT bar AS baz FROM websites
should have name baz (not bar)SELECT FROM websites
should have name foo, not, though where there is ambiguity renaming your columns with ‘AS’ is the recommended solution. Failing to match this correctly may leave phantom columns in the report.
display Will be displayed as the column header.
style Provides CSS which will be applied to the column of the output HTML table (though not the header).
class Defines a css class that will be applied to the body cells in the column. For example, in a species column you can specify “sci binomial” to define that this is the name part of the row. This can then be detected as a Species Microformat.
visible can be set to false to hide a column.
img can be set to true for a field that contains the filename of an image uploaded to the Warehouse. This will then be replaced by a thumbnail of the image, with support for FancyBox image popups to show the full image size. Multiple images can be comma separated in the field output to output mutiple thumbnails.
mappable can be set to true to declare a column which can then be output using the
method. The column must output a WKT definition of the geometry to be mapped, e.g. the column definition in the SQL might best_astext(geom)
.orderby can be set to the name of another column in the report (including hidden columns) when a column that is logically selected for sorting physically uses another column to provide the sort order. For example terms in Indicia termlists support a sort_order field which gives an optional non- alphabetical sort order for the list of terms (good, better, best is an example of a non-alphabetical but logical sort order). By specifying
for the term column, this causes the logical rather than alphabetical sort to be used when clicking on this column’s header.datatype can be used to declare the datatype of a column to enable column filtering in the grid. Set to one of text, species, date, integer or float. When set, a text box is shown at the top of the column into which the user can type filters. Note that the species datatype is a variant of text which removes subgenera and spaces from the search text to make it more tolerant.
aggregate Described in the section Declaring SQL for each column below.
distincton Described in the section Declaring SQL for each column below.
in_count Described in the section Declaring SQL for each column below.
on_demand can be set to true to mark a column which does not need to be included in the results set, but can be used in the report filter on demand. A good example of the use of this is when a report grid and a report map are on the same page and synchronised. The report grid allows column based filtering, but the report used to populate the map must be as efficient as possible and therefore should only return the geometry related data. The filterable grid columns can be included in the map report so that the map report can have the exact same filter applied when the grid is filtered without impacting on the performance of the map load.
term can be populated with the URL of a term defined in a known schema, for example set to to link a column to the Darwin core individualCount attribute.
template provides an HTML template to put the column information in. It is not limited to the column tag it is hosted in and so can use the information from all the columns in the report. Format is
{column name}
. The simpliest form showing the column value looks<column name="id" template="{id}" />
from there it could be extened to include some text, in this case the percentage sign
<column name="percent" template="{percent}%" />
or using an HTML temlpate, where < and > are replaced with < and > respectively, make the text bold
<column name="percent" template="<b> {id} </b>" />
it could even enhance the functionality by adding some JS code, like here
<column name="id" template="<a href='#' onclick='alert({percent})' > {id} </a>" />
feature_style can be used when there is a mappable column on the report, to define a column which provides the value for one of the map styling parameters supported in OpenLayers. Supported options include strokeColor (a CSS colour specification, e.g. ‘#00FF00’), strokeOpacity (a number from 0 to 1), strokeWidth (number of pixels wide to draw the perimeter line), strokeDashStyle (dot, dash, dashdot, longdash, longdashdot or solid), fillColor (as strokeColor), fillOpacity (as strokeOpacity) graphicZIndex (higher number draws on top of lower number). For example, a report could vary the opacity of output grid references on the map according to size by including this column in the SQL:
length(s.entered_sref) / 24.0 as fillopacity,
This column then has a definition:
<column name='fillopacity' visible='false' feature_style="fillOpacity" />
Declaring SQL for each column¶
There are certain limitations to what the Indicia reporting engine can do with
the columns SQL all defined in a single block, either in the query or using the
element. For example, any query with aggregate functions in it
cannot return an accurate record count for the grid paginator. Consider the
following query:
select,, count( as sample_count
from locations l
join samples s on
group by,
This returns a list of locations with their sample counts. If we use the
approach, then Indicia will run a select count(*) query to get
the count of records for the paginator, since this will return the count of
sample records not the count of locations. To get round these restrictions, you
can define the SQL for each field in the <column>
definition using an
attribute called sql
then specify a replacement in the SQL statement
#columns#. You don’t need to define each field’s alias as the column name will
be used for that (since they must be the same). You can also define attributes
aggregate (set to true for columns that define an aggregate function so they can
be skipped in the count query), distincton (set to true for any columns that you
don’t want to duplicate ever) and in_count (set to true if the column should be
included in the count query, which defaults to true for distincton columns but
false otherwise). To illustrate these points, here is the SQL and column list
for the above query:
select #columns#
from locations l
join samples s on
group by,
<column name="id" sql="" />
<column name="name" sql=" " />
<column name="sample_count" sql="count(" aggregate="true" />
By marking the aggregate column, then Indicia is able to correctly count the distinct non-aggregate values enabling the pager for a report grid to know the correct number of pages. To illustrate the use of distincton, consider writing a query which returns a list of locations plus a sample date, where you don’t actually care which sample date is returned (you just want to know that it has been sampled). Here’s the query to do this:
select distinct on (,, s.date_start
from locations l
join samples s on
Here’s how you could represent that in report XML:
select #columns#
from locations l
join samples s on
<column name="id" sql="" distincton="true" />
<column name="name" sql=" " />
<column name="date" sql="s.date_start" />
Note that the distincton support was added for Indicia 0.8 and is not available in earlier versions.
Element <vagueDate>¶
By default, vague dates provided as a date_start, date_end and
date_type field in the report output columns are processed to result in a
single date column containing the vague date as a readable string. It is
possible to override this behaviour and leave the original columns in place, by
adding the following element to the <report>
element in the xml:
<vagueDate enableProcessing="false" />
When vague date processing is enabled, as an example your query might output the following table:
sample_date_start |
sample_date_end |
sample_date_type |
2011-12-14 |
2011-12-14 |
D |
2010-01-01 |
2011-12-31 |
Y |
This would be output as:
sample_date_start |
sample_date_end |
sample_date_type |
sample_date |
2011-12-14 |
2011-12-14 |
D |
14/12/2011 |
2010-01-01 |
2010-12-31 |
Y |
2010 |
Note that the columns with titles in italics are not visible in the output grid, though the data is returned in the dataset so is accessible.
Standard Report Parameters¶
The standard parameters feature built into Indicia’s reporting engine provides a flexible common set of reporting parameters that can be applied to any report that runs against the cache_occurrences_functional table or cache_samples_functional. More information is provided in the next section.