Commenting and naming the class

The first todos you will encounter are in a comment block at the top of the class template:

 * @package Client
 * @subpackage PrebuiltForms
 * @todo Provide form description in this comment block.
 * @todo Rename the form class to iform_...
class iform_form_name {

The first simply instructs us to add a comment describing the form to the top of this comment block. So, add a simple description and delete the @todo. Next, we need to rename the form class to make it unique; we do this by naming it iform_ followed by the name of our file without the .php extension, i.e. iform_tutorial. My code for this section now looks like

 * A training form
 * @package Client
 * @subpackage PrebuiltForms
class iform_tutorial {