Other essential tasks

There are a couple of methods at the end of the class template called get_submission and get_redirect_on_success which we can ignore for now, as they are optional. There are a few other essential tasks to perform before we can try out our new tutorial prebuilt form in Drupal. The next method we do need to implement is called get_parameters and is defined as:

 * Get the list of parameters for this form.
 * @return array List of parameters that this form requires.
 * @todo: Implement this method
public static function get_parameters() {


Parameters are things you want the editor of the website to set up when they add your data entry form to their website and can include things like the species list to use, the survey to post data into or settings relating to the layout of the user interface. Pretty much anything is possible here. As we are currently only interested in getting our basic tutorial form up and running at this point we can just return an empty array, e.g.

public static function get_parameters() {
  return array();