Parameterising the report

As well as the simple column filtering, it is possible to declare named parameters that must be input into a form before the report is run. To do this requires a <params> element in the XML document at the same level as the <columns> and <query> elements. This new element contains a single <param> element for each parameter you want to declare. Each parameter has attributes for the name, display (the display label), an optional description and a datatype. There are other attributes but these are the ones required for basic parameterisation. The parameter’s name is wrapped with a # either side to make a replacement token which is then applied to the report query. As an example add the following parameters block to your report file in the appropriate place, plus update your where statement in the SQL to include the following filter using the following parameter and try it out:

  <param name="quality" display="Data quality" datatype="lookup"
      description="Quality level required of data to be included in the map."
      lookup_values="V:Data must be verified,C:Data must be verified or certain,
          L:Data must be at least likely,!D:Include anything not dubious or rejected,
          !R:Include anything not rejected" />

The parameter uses a lookup datatype to create a drop-down selection in the parameters form for the quality required of the records to include. Each entry is separated by a comma, with the actual value used preceding the colon and the label displayed to the user after the colon. We also need some SQL which uses the new quality parameter, so insert the following code into the very end of the <query> element so it forms the last line of the where clause:

and quality_check('#quality#', o.record_status, o.certainty)=true

Note that we are using the quality_check function, which Indicia adds to the functions available in PostgreSQL in order to provide an easy way to filter records by the verification status and record certainty. You should find now that when you load the report in your Drupal site you are presented with a parameters input form as follows:

The Data Quality input parameter for our report.

Try selecting different options for the Data quality parameter to see what happens when you run the report. If you are stuck, here is the full text of the report at this stage:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<report title="Tutorial"
    description="Display some records for the report writing tutorial">
<query website_filter_field="o.website_id">
  select #columns#
  from cache_occurrences_functional o
  join cache_samples_nonfunctional snf on
  join cache_taxa_taxon_lists cttl on
  where #sharing_filter#
  and o.created_on&gt;now()-'1 month'::interval
  and quality_check('#quality#', o.record_status, o.certainty)=true
  <param name="quality" display="Data quality" datatype="lookup"
         description="Quality level required of data to be included in the map."
         lookup_values="V:Data must be verified,C:Data must be verified or certain,
        L:Data must be at least likely,!D:Include anything not dubious or rejected,
        !R:Include anything not rejected" />
  <column name="id" sql="" visible="false" datatype="integer"/>
  <column name="public_entered_sref" sql="snf.public_entered_sref"
          display="Grid Ref" datatype="text"/>
  <column name="preferred_taxon" sql="cttl.preferred_taxon"
          display="Species" datatype="text"/>
  <column name="default_common_name" sql="cttl.default_common_name"
          display="Common Name" datatype="text"/>
  <column name="date_start" sql="o.date_start" visible="false"/>
  <column name="date_end" sql="o.date_end" visible="false"/>
  <column name="date_type" sql="o.date_type" visible="false"/>
  <column name="date" display="Date" datatype="date"/>

You can also set an attribute called default on the param element to one of the possible values. If you do this then the report will load immediately without showing the parameter input form, but the parameter remains available for overriding through the configuration options on the page. E.g. you could set default=”!D” in this instance to allow the report to load immediately.


It’s also possible to use the population_call attribute to create a list of options for the parameter drop-down via a query against the database.

Standard parameters

Using the technique above, each report in the library can have a different unique set of parameters. There are advantages, however, to enabling a standardised set of parameters allowing different reports to be treated in the same way by the calling code, for example it make development much easier if you can be sure that all reports will respond to a date range and polygon filter. To use the standard parameters features your report must fulfill certain criteria:

  • The report must include the cache_occurrences_functional table in the query with the table alias set to “o”. This way all the parameters can use the same SQL to work.

  • The report must include the following replacement tags after the section which refers to the cache_occurrences_functional table (i.e. at the end of the list of JOIN statements):

    • #agreements_join# - joins to tables that relate to enforcing permissions
    • #joins# - other joins will be dynamically inserted here depending on the filter parameters used.
    • The WHERE clause of the report must include the following tags and not have an ORDER BY or GROUP BY after it (which will be dynamically generated):

      #sharing_filter# #idlist#

    • Add an attribute called standard_params to the <query> element and set the value to “occurrences” (there is a similar, more limited set of parameter that works with queries that only deal at the sample level which can be triggered by setting the value to “samples” and including cache_samples_functional in the query).

Here’s our report modified for use with the standard parameters:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<report title="Tutorial"
    description="Display some records for the report writing tutorial">
  <query website_filter_field="o.website_id" standard_params="occurrences">
    select #columns#
    from cache_occurrences_functional o
    join cache_samples_nonfunctional snf on
    join cache_taxa_taxon_lists cttl on
    where #sharing_filter#
    <column name="id" sql="" visible="false" datatype="integer"/>
    <column name="public_entered_sref" sql="snf.public_entered_sref"
            display="Grid Ref" datatype="text"/>
    <column name="preferred_taxon" sql="cttl.preferred_taxon"
            display="Species" datatype="text"/>
    <column name="default_common_name" sql="cttl.default_common_name"
            display="Common Name" datatype="text"/>
    <column name="date_start" sql="o.date_start" visible="false"/>
    <column name="date_end" sql="o.date_end" visible="false"/>
    <column name="date_type" sql="o.date_type" visible="false"/>
    <column name="date" display="Date" datatype="date"/>

To make use of the standard parameters approach in Drupal:

  1. Add a new content page of type Indicia pages.

  2. Set the title & menu item as before.

  3. Choose the page category Reports and the page type Reporting page (customisable) then click Load Settings Form.

  4. Under the User Interface section, set the Form Structure to:

    [standard params]
    @dataSource=<path to my report, excluding .xml suffix>
  5. Under the Report Settings section, clear the settings in the Preset parameter values and Default parameter values sections.

  6. Save the page and you should find that there is a filter bar above your report table with a Create a filter button and lots of functionality that can only work because we can depend on the full set of standard parameters being available.

For more information on standard parameter functionality, see Standard parameters in reports.